Create a thought-provoking, educational scene representing the concept of bibliography. Imagine a neat, organised study table with reference books and journals stacked on top of each other. There is an opened book at the center, with a magnifying glass on one of the pages highlighting bibliographic information like author's name, title of the book, and date of publication. Next to it is an ink bottle and a quill pen signifying the act of noting down the information. There's also a laptop opened to a scholarly website, symbolising the digital sources. Remember, the image contains no text.

What does a bibliography list? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

how long it took the author to write the text

sources the author used to write the text

information about sources others can use to find them

all of the facts used in a specific text

the birth dates of each source's authors

Which items should be included in bibliographic information? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

quotes from the source

similar topics


date of publication

key words

Nick is writing down the bibliographic information for one of his sources. What piece of information is missing from the following entry?

Josh Grove, How to Sing Like an Angel, pages 7-12

(1 point)

date of publication



page numbers

Where is a bibliography found?(1 point)

after each paragraph of a source

at the end of a sentence

at the beginning of a source

at the end of a source

Why is a bibliography useful? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

It tells the most important information from a source.

It shows why the author chose each source.

It helps readers confirm the accuracy of information.

It gives readers ideas for sources they can use themselves.

It suggests research questions for future projects.

Ok I got the answers!! You don’t have to look any longer!

Here are the answers
1.Sources the author used to write the text, information about sources others can use to find them
2.Date of publication, author
3.Date of publication
4. At the end of a source
5.It gives readers ideas for sources they can use themselves, it helps readers confirm the accuracy of information

Here are the answers
Use these to get 100%
Hope this helps :)

thank u!!! 100%

I’m here for help is right

I’m here to help is 100% correct. :)

Thank You So Much "I'm Here To Help" I Got A 100%:-)


I'm here to help is right

Thanks bros! that helped so much!!!

Thank you for the answers of the next lesson 40 years old man I can't believe it

yea i know

100% right. Just took test and got 5/5 <3. Thanks!

Thanks to "I'm here to help" and "fadgfhgjygdwfyjjyhgfd" for telling us the answers for this lesson and the next one.

the 40 year old man is right I got 100%


nice job i got 5 out of 5



thank u to every one who helped😁!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you guys for helping me get 100% I only cheat bcuz my parents abuse me if I have bad grades-

i am back.

what is it?

sadly nothing 😭🔪

for next lesson

1.gather your sources avoid plagiarism and to help an audience understand material better
can you believe a 40 year old man helping young kids cheat.

well i will copy and paste to za next question GOOD-BYE!!!

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