Drag and drop the North American colony to the European nation that first claimed it.

New AmsterdamFloridaJamestownQuebec

European Nation North American Colony


The Netherlands


1) England- Jamestown

France- Quebec
The Netherlands- New Amsterdam
Spain- Florida

2) A

B) B

1.Drag and drop the North American colony to the European nation that first claimed it. Answers

England- Jamestown
France- Quebec
The Netherlands- New Amsterdam
Spain- Florida
2. Which of the following was the greatest short-term effect of Spanish colonization on American Indians?
Answer It sharply decreased their population.
3. What was the main cause of death among African captives being transported from the Americas on slave ships?
Answer Diseases spread quickly in the tightly packed holds of ships.
TRUST ME these are 100% right
Have a nice day/night ily all 😊❤💖

Thxs Redacted.Redacted is 100% right

redacted is 100 percent right but next time put the answers name just in case they change the order of the questions im just saying....

Redacted 100% correct thanks so much!!!!

Jamestown, England

New Amsterdam, Netherlands

Florida, Spain

Wonder what the last one would be?

IDC and redacted are both 100% CORRECT TYSM have a great day God bless you all

thanks [REDACTED] i desperately needed help on my [REDACTED]

u 2 @dog! also yes they (@Redacted and @IDC) are BOTH correct. :) '>' *kiss* '-' god bless u all!

Both Redacted and IDC are corret!

Thx Redacted (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

thx i got a 100

redacted is 100% right

Thanks *redacted*


Redacted and IDC are both correct so thank you to the both of u you can beleive me or not idc but idc and redacted are correct have a nice day 💀✌😊💗

Redacted is correct! Have a nice day :)

Ty guys :3




thank you @IDC. I got a 100% 😄


also this is a sixth grade quick check just so others know it might be in some other grades to though

Huh who's there?

Dog at the front door barking at the air?
Wind shwshhwhsh in the trees and chkchkchkchk feet on leaves,

Okay, so @Redacted, is correct. Although, if anyone else (like me) wanted to know what the worded answers were for 2 and 3, here they are:

2. It sharply decreased their population.
3. Diseases spread quickly in the tightly packed holds of ships.
Number 1 is correct though. Just make sure you line them up correctly
- 100% Answers

England- Jamestown

France- Quebec
The Netherlands- New Amsterdam
Spain- Florida
2. Which of the following was the greatest short-term effect of Spanish colonization on American Indians?
Answer It sharply decreased their population.
3. What was the main cause of death among African captives being transported from the Americas on slave ships?
Answer Diseases spread quickly in the tightly packed holds of ships.

Redacted is 100% right


Aww... what happened?

I will post later and share what happened.... it was a disturbing experience, though....

Frame what happened as a lesson. Think out what happened, and what it means. Then, see it as an opportunity to learn, and be prepared in the future. When you are older, you can teach your kids based on your experiences, and they win from it. Perhaps even your grandchildren will learn valuable lessons from it.
I am sorry it went badly for you, but do your best to make something good from the remains.

Thanks, Bob... I will seriously think about that.... I'll post a more detailed message tomorrow letting everyone know what actually happened


Thank you @IDC and @Redacted (hope that is spelled right.....) I got 100% on the connexus European Colonization Quick Check

You're welcome! Congratulations on getting a perfect score!

That's good information to know. Thanks for sharing!


is anyone here.???

whos better dream or technoblade likes are 1 vote for dream and dislikes are 1 vote for technoblade