A high school club is conducting a cupcake sale at a local fair to raise money for a trip. The club members are baking a total of 444 cupcakes. Each cupcake will sell for $3.00. The display tables cost $75.00 to rent.

Part A​ (2 points).
If ​n​ is the number of cupcakes sold and ​p​ is the profit earned, which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable? Explain.

Independent variable: N is the independent variable ​

Dependent variable: P is the dependent variable ​

Explain: P is the dependent variable because the total profit depends on how many cupcakes total they sell. They also will lose profit for rental costs.

----My Question is are P and N a function and can you explain to me how if it is or isnt?----

So is it a function?


N*$3 - $75 = P

Thank you PsyDAG

Yes, P and N can be considered as a function in this scenario. In mathematical terms, a function is a relationship between two variables, where each input (independent variable) is associated with exactly one output (dependent variable).

In this case, P represents the profit earned, which is the dependent variable. It is dependent on the number of cupcakes sold, represented by N, which is the independent variable. The profit earned varies based on the number of cupcakes sold. For example, if more cupcakes are sold, the profit will increase, and if fewer cupcakes are sold, the profit will decrease.

Therefore, we can say that P is a function of N, where P = f(N). By plugging in different values for N, we can calculate the corresponding values of P and create a table or graph to show the relationship between the number of cupcakes sold and the profit earned.

It's important to note that in this specific scenario, there are additional factors affecting the profit, such as the rental costs for the display tables. However, for the purpose of analyzing the relationship between the number of cupcakes sold and the total profit, we can consider P and N as a function.