Apply the order of operations to simplify each expression.

5 + 23 × 2 = _____
A. 21
B. 17
C. 50
D. 13
anyone have any answers for this i need it today plz!! also the 23 is an exponent plz help!!

the answer is

B. 34
D. 256 hats
D. there is an error because 5x5x5 = 53
B. 12

also 34 is an exponent

To simplify the expression 5 + 23 × 2 using the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the exponent. In this case, the expression has no exponent.

Step 2: Perform the multiplication operation from left to right. Multiply 23 by 2:

5 + 46

Step 3: Perform the addition operation from left to right. Add 5 to 46:


Therefore, the simplified expression is 51.

The correct answer is not provided in the options you provided.

If you mean

5 + 2^3 * 2
5 + 8*2
5 + 16