(In the call of the wild)

1. how does the event affect the development of the plot?
2. how does the event affect plot development?
3.the "call" for buck to return to the wild is symbolized by which situation for john Thorton?
4.what does the event symbolize?
5.for the men in the novel the dogs symbolize?
what does the hardness represent?

there all wrong ✌️

Someone please answer!!!!!

I forgot Sorry.



I don't know the answers

1. To determine how the event affects the development of the plot in "The Call of the Wild," you can closely analyze the sequence of events before and after the event in question. Look for any changes in the story's pacing, character development, or overall direction. Consider how the event influences the actions, motivations, or relationships of the characters and how it drives the plot forward.

2. The event in question affects the plot development by introducing a significant change or turning point in the storyline. Events can affect the plot by altering the characters' goals, creating conflict or tension, revealing important information, or leading to a resolution or climax. Consider the cause-and-effect relationship between the event and subsequent plot developments.

3. In "The Call of the Wild," the "call" for Buck to return to the wild is symbolized by a particular situation involving John Thornton. To determine this situation, refer to the text and look for moments where John Thornton's actions or circumstances serve as a symbolic representation of Buck's instinctual urge to embrace his wild nature. This could be a specific event or decision made by Thornton that resonates with Buck's inherent wildness.

4. The specific event in question symbolizes something deeper or more significant beyond its literal meaning. To understand what the event symbolizes in "The Call of the Wild," examine its broader thematic or metaphorical implications. Consider its connections to the overall themes of the novel and how it contributes to the exploration of topics like freedom, instinct, or self-discovery.

5. In the novel, the dogs symbolize different things to the men involved. To understand what the dogs symbolize, analyze how the characters interact with the dogs and what traits or qualities they associate with them. The dogs might symbolize loyalty, companionship, hard work, survival skills, or even untamed instincts. Look for textual evidence and character motivations to uncover the symbolic meaning attributed to the dogs.

6. The hardness mentioned in "The Call of the Wild" represents a particular concept. To grasp its significance, examine the instances where hardness is discussed or portrayed in the novel. Consider its relation to the characters, settings, or themes of the story. The hardness could symbolize resilience, survival instincts, adaptability, cruelty, or the harsh realities of the natural world. Analyze the context and subtext of these instances to uncover the deeper meaning of the hardness as presented in the novel.

The actual answers are:


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