of 75 people with cell phones ,42 take pictures with their cell phone and 36 use their cell phone to take pictures and send message.how many use their cell phones to text to send messages??

42+36 - x = 75

To find out how many people use their cell phones to send messages, we need to subtract the number of people who use their cell phones to take pictures and send messages from the total number of people who have cell phones.

Total number of people with cell phones: 75
Number of people who take pictures with their cell phones: 42
Number of people who take pictures and send messages: 36

To calculate the number of people who use their cell phones to send messages, we use the formula:

(Number of people who take pictures with their cell phones) - (Number of people who take pictures and send messages)

42 - 36 = 6

Therefore, 6 people use their cell phones to send messages.

To determine the number of people who use their cell phones to text and send messages, we need to find the intersection between the group of people who take pictures with their cell phone and the group of people who use their cell phone to take pictures and send messages.

Based on the information provided:

- 42 people take pictures with their cell phones.
- 36 people use their cell phone to take pictures and send messages.

To find the number of people who use their cell phones to text and send messages, we need to find the overlapping portion between these two groups. This can be done by subtracting the number of people who only take pictures with their cell phones from the total number of people who use their cell phones to take pictures and send messages.

Mathematically, we can calculate it as follows:

Number of people who use their cell phones to text and send messages = Number of people who use their cell phones to take pictures and send messages - Number of people who only take pictures with their cell phones

Number of people who use their cell phones to text and send messages = 36 - (42 - 36)

Now, let's solve this equation step by step:

Number of people who use their cell phones to text and send messages = 36 - 6

Number of people who use their cell phones to text and send messages = 30

So, according to the given information, 30 people use their cell phones to text and send messages.