context is a context clue

A: word or phrases in a text that help the reader determine where to find the definition of a word
B: words or phrases in a text that help the reader determine the meaning of a word
C: resources that help the reader determine the origin of a word
D: resources that help the reader determine the pronunciation of a word

* what is a context clue

In reading and listening, a context clue is information (such as a definition, synonym, antonym, or example) that appears near a word or phrase and offers direct or indirect suggestions about its meaning.

he meant the answer smh.

but you are right overall.

B: words or phrases in a text that help the reader determine the meaning of a word.

Context clues are hints or information provided in a text that can help the reader understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase. These clues can be found within the same sentence, paragraph, or even throughout the entire passage.

To determine the meaning of a word using context clues, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the entire sentence or passage that contains the unfamiliar word.
2. Look for surrounding words or phrases that provide hints about the meaning of the word.
3. Pay attention to the way the word is used in the sentence or passage, including the context and tone.
4. Use your prior knowledge and experience to make an educated guess about the meaning of the word.
5. Verify your guess by considering if it makes logical sense in the context of the text.

By using context clues effectively, readers can enhance their understanding of unfamiliar words and improve their overall comprehension of a text.