Luis is doing research on his favorite big cat, the lion. Which of the following sources would be the most effective?

a video clip of lions interacting with humans at a zoo

a National Geographic article on the habitat of lions

a newspaper article about the Detroit Lions football team

an online movie review of The Lion King

1. It adds to your understanding of a topic, it is accurate

2. A national geographic article on the habitat of lions
3. An account that comes from people who were present during an event
4. A letter
5. It is based on opinion, it gives information on a different topic

I PROMISE it will give you 100%

I failed so y'all could win

Unknown is 100% correct✨

The answers to the first questions are

C and D

i feel bad for unknown but thank you<3 i hope both sides of your pillow is cold tonight.

So what is the answers 1-5 questions

You are right Unknown. 100% correct!

Unknown U RULE and if U hadn't got on this website, we would all be wrong and get a bad grade.

hope u get it right

Jemmy is right.

Meh is right that dumb dumb just lied wanna know how I got a 1/5 men is 5/5 trust her or him