Mark has $43.82 in his checking account. He deposits $12.69 on Monday. He spends $15.78 at the movies on Tuesday.

What is the new balance of Mark's checking account?

$43.82 + $12.69 - $15.78 = ?


To calculate the new balance of Mark's checking account, we need to add the deposit and subtract the amount spent.

Step 1: Start with Mark's initial balance of $43.82.

Step 2: Add the deposit of $12.69:
$43.82 + $12.69 = $56.51

Step 3: Subtract the amount spent at the movies, which is $15.78:
$56.51 - $15.78 = $40.73

Therefore, the new balance of Mark's checking account is $40.73.

To calculate the new balance of Mark's checking account, we need to add the deposit and subtract the expense from the initial balance.

Initial balance: $43.82
Deposit: $12.69
Expense: $15.78

To find the new balance, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the deposit to the initial balance:
$43.82 + $12.69 = $56.51

Step 2: Subtract the expense from the result of step 1:
$56.51 - $15.78 = $40.73

Therefore, the new balance of Mark's checking account is $40.73.