Multiple Choice

In which style period were symmetry, balance, and a natural-sounding style most important?
A. Renaissance******
B. Baroque
C. Classical
D. Romantic
What is dissonance?
A. pleasing sounds
B. clashing sounds****
C. a twentieth-century technique
D. a Romantic technique
In which style period did composers have a fascination with extreme emotional states?
A. Renaissance****
B. Baroque
C. Classical
D. Romantic
What is a motet?
A. a sacred text set to music, usually combining several voices with different melodies in complex, beautiful patterns
B. a German art song***
C. a musical work in which the main subject is stated by multiple voices and then developed in many ways
D. a musical story
What is a Renaissance man or woman?
A. an expert in one subject
B. an expert in music and art**
C. someone with talent in a broad range of subjects
D. none of the above

the answers are

all of these answers are correct i took the quick check

Hes correct

they're correct

Finally... a music question on Jiskha...

Thank god ^^

hes correct.... i struggle alot more on music than i do any other class... im standing at a 60% right now in music

g'day mates

-OGW 🐾

To answer the first question: "In which style period were symmetry, balance, and a natural-sounding style most important?", the correct answer is A. Renaissance.

During the Renaissance, which spanned from the 14th to the 17th century, artists and composers emphasized classical ideals of proportion, balance, and symmetry. This classical influence can be seen in the visual arts, architecture, and music of the period. Composers aimed for a natural-sounding style by imitating the harmonies and rhythms of human voices.

Now, let's move on to the second question: "What is dissonance?" The correct answer is B. clashing sounds.

In music, dissonance refers to the combination of sounds that creates tension and lacks harmonic stability. It is often described as "clashing" because dissonant intervals or chords do not sound as harmonically pleasant or stable as consonant intervals or chords. Dissonance and consonance are important elements in music composition and they create a sense of tension and resolution.

For the third question: "In which style period did composers have a fascination with extreme emotional states?" The correct answer is D. Romantic.

During the Romantic period, which lasted from the late 18th to the early 20th century, composers explored and expressed a wide range of emotional states. They sought to depict intense emotions such as love, passion, despair, and longing through their compositions. The Romantic era was characterized by its emphasis on individual expression and the exploration of the full range of human emotions.

Moving on to the fourth question: "What is a motet?" The correct answer is A. a sacred text set to music, usually combining several voices with different melodies in complex, beautiful patterns.

A motet is a type of choral composition that originated in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It is typically a sacred vocal piece, often based on a Biblical or religious text, and is usually written for multiple voices. Motets often feature intricate counterpoint, with different voices singing different melodies simultaneously, creating complex and beautiful harmonies.

Finally, for the fifth question: "What is a Renaissance man or woman?" The correct answer is C. someone with talent in a broad range of subjects.

A Renaissance man or woman refers to an individual during the Renaissance period who excelled in multiple areas of study or expertise. This term is derived from the Renaissance ideal of the "universal man" or "universal woman" who was well-rounded and knowledgeable in various disciplines such as art, literature, science, philosophy, and music. Renaissance thinkers believed in the importance of education and the well-rounded development of individuals.

Remember, it's always helpful to review the information and study in preparation for exams or quizzes. Good luck, and don't panic!

number one is right but the other ones idk :/

Google is your friend and it is only music what could go wrong?