In a recent year, 32.8% of all registered doctors were female. If there were 56,900 female registered doctors that year, what was the total number of registered doctors?

To find the total number of registered doctors, we can use the given information about the percentage of female registered doctors.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of registered doctors corresponding to the 32.8% female doctors.
To do this, we can set up a proportion:

female registered doctors / total registered doctors = percentage of female doctors / 100

Let's assign the value of 56,900 to the female registered doctors and 32.8 to the percentage of female doctors.

56,900 / total registered doctors = 32.8 / 100

Step 2: Solve the proportion for the total registered doctors.
Cross-multiplying the proportion, we can write:

56,900 * 100 = total registered doctors * 32.8

Step 3: Simplify and solve for the total number of registered doctors.
Multiply 569,000 by 100 and divide by 32.8:

(56,900 * 100) / 32.8 = total registered doctors

Calculating this expression:

(5,690,000 / 32.8) = total registered doctors

This yields the value of approximately 173,780.49.

Since the total number of registered doctors cannot be fractional, we can round the value to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the total number of registered doctors in that year was approximately 173,780.

.328x = 56900

x = 173,476