I need some help!

1)why was the presidency of George Washington considered to be so significant?
A) his actions would define the role of the supreme court
B) his actions would set precedents for all future presidents
C) his actions would determine the need for a president
D) his actions would test the president constitutional authority

2) why did jefferson purse a laissez faire economic system in the united States?
A) it was mandate following the Marybury v. Madison supreme court ruling
B) the size of the federal government increases under a free market economy
C) a free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the louisiana territory
D) implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government

To find the answer to your first question, you can analyze the significance of George Washington's presidency by considering the options provided:

A) To determine if his actions would define the role of the Supreme Court, you can research the impact Washington had on the early development of the judiciary and any significant court cases during his presidency.

B) To see if his actions set precedents for all future presidents, you can study the decisions and policies Washington made that established a framework for future presidents to follow.

C) To assess if his actions determined the need for a president, you can examine the historical context in which Washington became the first president of the United States and evaluate the impact he had on establishing the office of the presidency as a vital part of the government.

D) To determine if his actions tested the president's constitutional authority, you can research any instances where Washington faced constitutional challenges or controversy during his presidency.

By examining these factors, you will be able to determine the reasons why George Washington's presidency was considered significant.

Regarding your second question:

A) To determine if a laissez-faire economic system was mandated following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling, you can study the court case and its specific legal implications to see if it directly affected the economic system.

B) To evaluate if the size of the federal government increases under a free market economy, you can compare the role and scope of the federal government before and after the implementation of laissez-faire policies.

C) To assess if a free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory, you can analyze the historical context of the Louisiana Purchase and the economic conditions surrounding it.

D) To understand if implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government, you can study the principles and philosophy of laissez-faire economics and its general influence on the scope of government intervention in the economy.

By examining these options, you can find the reasons behind Jefferson's pursuit of a laissez-faire economic system in the United States.

Idk man, what is the answer.