round 91.57608767 to the nearest tenth of a gram

the 5 in the tenths place is followed by a 7

... this means it is rounded up to a 6


To round 91.57608767 to the nearest tenth of a gram, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the digit in the hundredth place.
In this case, the digit in the hundredth place is 6.

Step 2: Look at the digit to the right of the hundredth place.
The digit to the immediate right of 6 is 0.

Step 3: Determine whether to round up or down.
Since the digit to the right of the hundredth place is 0, which is less than 5, we round down.

Step 4: Replace all digits to the right of the tenths place with zero.
The tenths place is the digit in the hundredth place, which is 6. Therefore, we replace all digits to the right of the tenths place with zero.

As a result, rounding 91.57608767 to the nearest tenth of a gram gives us 91.6 grams.