Question 1

1.4 Give two planning steps for an investigation to test the hypothesis formulated in Question 1.1

To plan an investigation to test the hypothesis formulated in Question 1.1, you can follow these two steps:

Step 1: Designing the Experiment
- Identify the variables: Determine the independent variable (the factor you are manipulating) and the dependent variable (the outcome you are measuring).
- Determine the control group: Identify a group that will not be exposed to the independent variable for comparison purposes.
- Select the sample size: Determine the number of subjects or samples needed to obtain reliable results.
- Define the procedure: Outline the step-by-step process for conducting the experiment.

Step 2: Collecting and Analyzing Data
- Gather relevant data: Following your experimental design, collect the necessary data to evaluate the relationship between the variables.
- Record measurements: Ensure accurate and detailed measurements or observations are made during the experiment.
- Analyze the data: Use statistical analysis or other appropriate methods to identify any patterns or trends in the collected data.
- Draw conclusions: Based on the analysis of the data, determine if the hypothesis is supported or rejected.

By following these planning steps, you can design and execute a systematic investigation to test your hypothesis effectively.