College Degrees. Of all college degrees awarded in the United States, including masters and doctorate degrees, 26% are associate degrees, 40% are earned by men, and 10% are associate degrees earned by men. Make a Venn diagram and use it to answer these questions.

What percent of all degrees are associate degrees earned by women?
What percent of women earn a college degree other than an associate degree?
What percent of all degrees are earned by women?

To answer these questions, let's first create a Venn diagram representing the information given:

Total Degrees:

Now, let's fill in the diagram based on the given percentages:

Total Degrees:
| |
| |

Associate Degrees:
| |
| |

Men with Associate Degrees:
| |
| |

Degrees Earned by Men (excluding Associate Degrees):
| |
| |

Degrees Earned by Women (excluding Associate Degrees):
| |
| |

1. To find the percentage of all degrees that are associate degrees earned by women, we need to find the proportion of the total degrees that represents associate degrees earned by women. From the given information, we know that 26% of all degrees are associate degrees, and 10% of associate degrees are earned by men. Therefore, the remaining proportion of associate degrees must be earned by women: 26% - 10% = 16%. So, 16% of all degrees are associate degrees earned by women.

2. To find the percentage of women who earn a college degree other than an associate degree, we need to find the proportion of women who earn degrees other than associate degrees. Since 40% of all degrees are earned by men, and 10% of all degrees are associate degrees earned by men, we can calculate that 30% (40% - 10%) of all degrees are earned by men other than associate degrees. Therefore, the percentage of women who earn a college degree other than an associate degree would be 100% - 30% = 70%.

3. To find the percentage of all degrees that are earned by women, we need to find the proportion of the total degrees awarded to women. From the given information, we know that 40% of all degrees are earned by men. Therefore, 100% - 40% = 60% of all degrees are earned by women.

To answer these questions using a Venn diagram, we need to break down the information provided. Let's start by drawing a Venn diagram with two overlapping circles. One circle will represent associate degrees, and the other circle will represent all degrees earned by women.

1. What percent of all degrees are associate degrees earned by women?
We know that 26% of all college degrees are associate degrees, and 10% of those are associate degrees earned by men. To find out the percentage of associate degrees earned by women, we need to subtract the percentage earned by men from the total percentage of associate degrees.

Percentage of associate degrees earned by women = Total percentage of associate degrees - Percentage of associate degrees earned by men
= 26% - 10%
= 16%

So, 16% of all degrees are associate degrees earned by women.

2. What percent of women earn a college degree other than an associate degree?
We know that 40% of all degrees are earned by men, and the remaining degrees are earned by women. To find the percentage of women who earn a college degree other than an associate degree, we need to subtract the percentage of associate degrees earned by women from the total percentage of degrees earned by women.

Percentage of women earning a college degree other than an associate degree = Total percentage of degrees earned by women - Percentage of associate degrees earned by women
= 100% - 16%
= 84%

So, 84% of women earn a college degree other than an associate degree.

3. What percent of all degrees are earned by women?
We know that 40% of all degrees are earned by men. Therefore, the remaining percentage of degrees must be earned by women.

Percentage of all degrees earned by women = 100% - Percentage of degrees earned by men
= 100% - 40%
= 60%

So, 60% of all degrees are earned by women.

Using this Venn diagram and the given percentages, we were able to determine the answers to the questions.