Before deciding on a medium to use, what should the presenter do?(1 point)

chose the form they feel most comfortable with

decide on the number of still or moving images they need

compare the strengths and limitations of each medium

know the age and size of their audience

Here you go

1:The audience is able to hear the tone the speaker intends
2:compare the strengths and limitations of each medium
4:a video
5:printed text
Hope this helps. :) This is a once in a lifetime thing so Have a nice day!

You guys/gals/friends Lucifer is wrong. I got 1 out of 5. Don't trust them unless you want to fail. I don't know the answers. but i thought i'd let you all know

Guys, don't it may not be the correct answer smh you guys wanna fail?

I prefer to use this to only **CHECK** your stuff. But like other than that don't go copying stuff so. yeah , good luck who ever is reading :)

He’s right^^

Please keep in mind that questions could change around. So with that said, please instead of putting letters put the sentences. Thank you... have great day

Anonymous is right! I got 5/5

Ty for not putting the letters

@Lucifer , First of all number one isn't the answer lol.

See don't copy stuff try your best and take your time and take notes :)

100% for connexus students:)

1- it allows a reader to picture the story.
2- a film about flamingos.
3- the speakers voice adds drama and emotion.
4- a YouTube video of an actor reading the story.
5- the structure of the poem such as stanzas.

my answer is compare the strengths and limitations of each medium

anonymous is right thanks!!

got 5/5

@ur mom got the answers right for the connexus students

@STAYTINY if you did the thing u should be able to see the right answers.

anonymus is correct 5/5

i need to check my portfolio

does any one have answer's

anyone know anything for the test?

@ur mom got the answers right

@Anonymous is right! I got 5/5, i wonder if he has discord -w-

So for the Comparing Print and Media Quick Check from Connexus, the answers are:

1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. d
These are 100% correct I promise you! :3