Using the following conversions between the metric and U.S. systems, convert the measurement.

Round your answer to 6 decimal places as needed

1 meter ~3.28 ft
1 Liter ~ 0.26 gallon
1 kilogram ~ 2.20 pounds

23.131 = ? pt.

Please can someone help me I am lost and can not figure this out

23.131 what?

since pt is a volume, I assume you want to convert liters.

23.131L * 0.26gal/L * 8pt/gal = 48.112 pt
Notice how the units cancel out, leaving the one you want.

its 23.131 kl

well, I'm sure you can make the adjustment, since 1kL = 1000L

To convert 23.131 into pt (pint), we need to use the conversion factors provided.

1 liter is equal to 0.26 gallons. Since 1 gallon is equal to 8 pints, we can multiply 0.26 by 8 to find the conversion factor from liters to pints.

0.26 gallons x 8 pints/gallon = 2.08 pints

Therefore, 1 liter is equal to 2.08 pints.

Now, we have 23.131 liters that we need to convert to pints. To do this, we can multiply 23.131 by the conversion factor:

23.131 liters x 2.08 pints/liter = 48.15768 pints

Rounding this to 6 decimal places, the result is approximately 48.15768 pints.