Compare and contrast the governments of Great Britain and Germany.

@blah first of all that's disrespectful second I don't think nobody cheating but you and you said you didn't know the answer so what room do that give you to call someone a "dummy"?

okay and if you say this app is cheating then YOUR cheating bc YOU ARE on this app

okay, please spell correctly, also, I literally had trouble reading that-

@👩‍🏫 Ms.Renalds (Verified Teacher)

I need help with this Q
Compare and contrast the governments of Great Britain and Germany.

you spelled great wrong (grate)

yall....what IS THE ANSWER?

then y u on this website JoJo extravagant escapde

i need answers .

Guys, im here for the dang answer, so please give it.

And I don't think the app is cheating, if it is, then why is it here? and why would any of us be on it? So, !boo! to anybody who calls me a cheater cause I aint! What's the answer by the way? (: