A company has a poor impression with the public. Who might they hire to make it better?

A. a graphic designer
B. an advertising agent
C. a public relations manager
D. a quality assurance professional

The answer is D.

To determine who a company might hire to improve its poor impression with the public, it's important to understand the roles and responsibilities of different professionals. Let's explore the options:

A. A graphic designer: While a graphic designer can play a role in creating visual elements such as logos, websites, and marketing materials, their primary focus is on aesthetics and design. While this could contribute to improving a company's image, it might not address the underlying issues causing the poor impression.

B. An advertising agent: Advertising agents specialize in planning and executing advertising campaigns. They work on creating and placing advertisements across various media channels. While advertising can certainly help a company improve its public perception, it is primarily focused on promoting products or services, rather than managing the broader reputation of the company.

C. A public relations manager: This is the most appropriate choice to address a company's poor public impression. Public relations managers are responsible for managing a company's relationships and interactions with the public, media, and other stakeholders. They develop strategies to promote a positive image of the company, handle crisis communication, organize public events, and build relationships with influencers and the media. A skilled public relations manager can help rebuild trust, reshape public perception, and improve overall reputation.

D. A quality assurance professional: While a quality assurance professional is crucial for ensuring the company's products or services meet certain standards of quality, their focus is not directly related to improving public perception. They primarily work within the company to identify and correct quality issues, rather than managing external perceptions.

Considering the options, the best choice to address a company's poor impression with the public would be C. a public relations manager. Hiring a qualified public relations manager can help the company develop a comprehensive strategy for improving its image, building positive relationships with the public, and effectively communicating its values and messages.