A satellite dish is the shape of a paraboloid. The dish is 42 inches wide, and 10 inches deep. How many inches should the receiver be located from the vertex for optimal

a side view shows a parabola with vertex a t (0,0), so

y = ax^2
y(21) = 10, so a = 10/21^2
y = 10/441 x^2
Now recall that the parabola
x^2 = 4py has focus at (0,p)
So, since our equation is
x^2 = 441/10 y, p = 441/40
So the receiver should be placed 11.025 inches from the vertex

To find the optimal location for the receiver on a satellite dish, we need to understand the concept of the focal point of a parabolic reflector.

A paraboloid is a three-dimensional shape formed by revolving a parabola around its axis. In the case of a satellite dish, the shape is a paraboloid of revolution, which means the parabola is rotated around its axis to form a dish-like shape.

The focal point is a special point on the axis of the paraboloid. All incoming parallel rays of light reflecting off the parabolic surface will converge at the focal point. In the context of a satellite dish, the focal point is where the receiver should be placed to collect the maximum amount of signal.

The formula for the focal length (f) of a parabolic reflector is given by the equation:

f = (d^2) / (16c)

- f is the focal length
- d is the depth of the dish
- c is the distance from the vertex to the focal point

In this case, the depth of the dish (d) is given as 10 inches. We need to find the distance from the vertex to the receiver (c).

To solve for c, we rearrange the formula:

c = (d^2) / (16f)

Substituting the known values:
d = 10 inches

We need to find the focal length (f) to calculate the optimal distance. However, the focal length is not provided in the given information. If you have the focal length value, please provide it, and I can help you calculate the optimal distance for the receiver.

If you don't have the focal length value but have other information about the satellite dish, such as the dish diameter or additional measurements, please provide that information so that I can assist you further.