Use the sentence to answer the question.

Jill feared that the weeks she had to spend off her feet would cause her skills to atrophy, but when she could practice again found that, while she tried more quickly, her soccer skills remained as good as ever.
Based on the context, what is the most likely meaning of the underlined word?

It is weaken πŸ•ΊπŸ•ΊπŸ•ΊπŸ₯΅

yes i took the test and it weaken

Can someone check my answer, please. And thank you

if the underlined word is "atrophy," then yes

wtf is it

WHat is it?

To determine the most likely meaning of the underlined word, "atrophy," in the given sentence, we can analyze the surrounding context.

In this context, Jill feared that the weeks of being off her feet would have a negative impact on her skills. However, when she could practice again, she found that her soccer skills remained as good as ever.

Given this information, we can conclude that the most likely meaning of the underlined word "atrophy" is "weaken" (option D). This is because Jill feared that her skills would decline or become weaker during the time she had to spend off her feet.