Nine more than a number is greater than three times the number decreased by five as an inequality

just write the words in math ...

9+x > 3x-5

Write the inequality and solve the problem.

Nine more than a number is less than five.

Let's break down the problem step by step.

Step 1: Let's assume that the number is represented by the variable "x".

Step 2: "Nine more than a number" can be expressed as "x + 9".

Step 3: "Three times the number decreased by five" can be expressed as "3x - 5".

Step 4: The inequality "Nine more than a number is greater than three times the number decreased by five" can be written as:

x + 9 > 3x - 5

This is the final inequality that represents the given problem.

To express the given statement as an inequality, let's first break it down into smaller parts.

Let's assume the number is represented by the variable "x".

"Nine more than a number" can be expressed as "x + 9".

"Three times the number decreased by five" can be expressed as "3x - 5".

So, the inequality becomes:

x + 9 > 3x - 5

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable "x" on one side of the inequality sign.

Subtract "x" from both sides:

9 > 2x - 5

Add 5 to both sides:

9 + 5 > 2x - 5 + 5

14 > 2x

Now, divide both sides by 2:

14/2 > 2x/2

7 > x

Therefore, the inequality is x < 7.