Blueberries are $4.99 a pound . Diego buys b pounds of blueberries and pays 14.95 . Blueberries are $4.99 a pound . Jada buys pounds of blueberries and pays dollars . Blueberries are d dollars a pound Lin buys of blueberries and payst d. Noah earned n dollars over the summer . earned $275, which is 545 more than Noah did e. Noah earned v dollars over the summer, Mai earned m dollars is 45 dollars more than Noah dic . earned w dollars over the summer, earned dollars, which is y dollars more than Noah did.

To answer these questions, let's break them down one by one.

1. Diego buys b pounds of blueberries and pays $14.95:
To find the total cost, we multiply the price per pound by the number of pounds:
Cost = $4.99/pound * b pounds = $14.95

2. Jada buys p pounds of blueberries and pays d dollars:
We know the price per pound is $4.99. So, we can set up the equation:
p pounds * $4.99/pound = d dollars

3. Lin buys l pounds of blueberries and pays d dollars per pound:
The equation for this scenario is:
l pounds * d dollars/pound = d dollars

4. Noah earned n dollars over the summer, and someone else earned $275, which is 545 more than Noah:
To find how much Noah earned, we subtract the difference from the total amount:
Noah's earnings = $275 - $545 = $-270 (Note: This implies Noah lost money, as negative earnings are not possible.)

5. Noah earned v dollars over the summer, and Mai earned m dollars, which is 45 dollars more than Noah:
To find Noah's earnings, we subtract the additional 45 dollars from Mai's earnings:
Noah's earnings = m dollars - $45

6. Noah earned w dollars over the summer, and someone else earned y dollars, which is more than Noah:
We don't have enough information to determine Noah's earnings specifically, but we know the other person's earnings are greater:
Noah's earnings < y dollars

Please note that some of the provided information might lead to invalid or contradictory results.

why don't you repost, and just say things one time, and clearly?