Create an image representing the concept of conservation of atoms during a chemical reaction. It should feature four different chemical reactions, each one being represented by molecules, atoms, and bonds. Reaction (a) would be Zinc reacting with Hydrochloric acid to produce Hydrogen and Zinc Chloride. Reaction (b) would be Methane reacting with Oxygen to produce Carbon Dioxide and Water. Reaction (c) would be an incomplete reaction involving Carbon Dioxide, Methanol, and Oxygen. Reaction (d) would be Lithium Carbonate decomposing into Lithium monoxide and Carbon Dioxide. Remember, there shouldn't be any text in the image.

in which chemical reaction is the number of atoms in the reactants the same as the number of atoms in the products?

a. Zn+2HCI->H2+ZnCI2
b. CH4+O2->CO2+2H2O
c. CO2+CH2OH+O2
d. Li2CO3->LiO+CO2

1.Zn + 2HCl → H2 + ZnCl2

2. The total number of atoms does not change, so mass is conserved in the reaction
3. 215 amu
4.76 amu
I took the quick check and these were the answers

UwU is 100% right

hopefully you get a 100%

1.Zn + 2HCl → H2 + ZnCl2

2. The total number of atoms does not change, so mass is conserved in the reaction
3. 215 amu
4.76 amu
Trust me these are right and good luck love's ✌️


UWU is right i got 100

uwu is correct!! thank you <333

uwu is correct

Thank you so much !!!!

Uwu is correct I got a 100

What’s the answer? I need help ASAP!!

UwU is still correct.

ty UwU 100%

uwu is 100% ty

UwU is right but the answer number 4 is wrong

1. B (Zn + 2HCI -> H2 + ZnCI2)

2.A ( The total number of atoms does not change, so mass is conserved in the reaction)

3. B (125 amu)

4. B (76 amu)

ez thx UwU

I need help ASAP

Little Princess UwU is 100% correct because you and UwU have the same answer for question 4

Can someome plz explain?

UwU is 100%

UwU is 100% correct

thanks uwu

Kiyotaka Ishimaru is one of the characters featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.

yes we are

uwu is right thanks !

UwU is correct

thanks uwu you were 100% right

so we're saying that Zn+2HCI->H2+ZnCI2 is the correct answer right?

uwu is correct the answers are all right

UwU thank so much I got 100%

UwU is correct thx so much

UWU is right


there's nothing to explain.

UwU is slaying

How many atoms of carbon are present in the reactants of the following chemical equation

thx UwU

thanks uwu

thanks uwu


little princess is correct uwu is wrong :(

a. looks good

Im thinking D