Two Factors why it is important for the youth to investigate and be Knowledgeable about it

What is "it"?

There are several factors that make it important for the youth to investigate and be knowledgeable about various subjects. Here are two key factors:

1. Empowerment: By being knowledgeable and active investigators, the youth gain a sense of empowerment. When they investigate and gather information, they become more independent and capable of making informed decisions. This helps them take control of their own lives and contributes to their personal growth and development. Whether it's about their education, career choices, social issues, or personal interests, being knowledgeable empowers the youth to navigate the world with confidence.

To become knowledgeable about a subject, the youth can:

- Read books, articles, and reputable online sources related to the topic.
- Attend seminars, workshops, or webinars organized by experts in the field.
- Engage in discussions and debates with peers or mentors who possess expertise in the subject.
- Take part in practical experiences, such as internships, volunteering, or joining relevant clubs or organizations.

2. Engagement in society: Being knowledgeable and investigating various subjects encourages the youth to engage actively in society. It helps them understand societal problems, current events, and the world around them. When they become aware of different perspectives, they can form their opinions, contribute to discussions, and actively participate in making positive changes in their community.

To engage in society and stay informed, the youth can:

- Follow reputable news sources to stay updated on local, national, and global events.
- Participate in community events, workshops, or seminars related to social issues.
- Join or start youth-led organizations or initiatives that address specific concerns.
- Engage with diverse groups of individuals who have different backgrounds and perspectives.
- Use social media platforms responsibly, following relevant accounts and participating in meaningful discussions.

In conclusion, knowledge and investigation empower the youth and enable them to engage effectively in society. By actively seeking information and understanding various subjects, they can make more informed decisions, contribute positively to their community, and become agents of change.