Mary is making some shirts for her school's drama department. The fabric store has yards of the fabric she wants in stock. But this quantity of fabric can make only shirts. What length of fabric does Mary need to buy if she wants to sew 2 shirts?

Mary is making some shirts for her school's drama department. The fabric store has 3 61/ yards of the fabric she wants in stock. But this quantity of fabric can make only 1 1/3 shirts. What length of fabric does Mary need to buy if she wants to sew 2 shirts?

that's the whole question


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. How can I assist you with math?

To find out the length of fabric Mary needs to buy for 2 shirts, we need to divide the quantity of fabric available by the number of shirts it can make.

Let's denote the quantity of fabric available in yards as "x". The quantity of fabric needed for one shirt is "y" yards.

From the given information, we know that x yards of fabric can make only z shirts. We need to find "y" which represents the length of fabric needed for 2 shirts.

So we can set up a proportion using the information given:

x yards / z shirts = y yards / 1 shirt

Since we want to find the length of fabric needed for 2 shirts, we substitute z = 1 (as one is the number of shirts in the proportion equation) and solve for y:

x yards / 1 = y yards / 1

This can be simplified to:

x yards = y yards

So, the length of fabric Mary needs to buy for 2 shirts is simply "x" yards.

How about you fill in the missing numbers?

How do you even manage to type in the whole paragraph and leave out the most relevant data?
