Which Enlightenment idea influenced the Founding Fathers to include the phrase “We The People” in the United States Constitution?

The Enlightenment idea that influenced the Founding Fathers to include the phrase "We The People" in the United States Constitution is the concept of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty suggests that the ultimate source of political power lies with the people, rather than in the hands of a monarch or authoritarian ruler.

To understand this concept and its impact on the Founding Fathers, you can take the following steps:

1. Start by researching the Enlightenment period, which occurred in the late 17th to the 18th centuries in Europe. This intellectual movement emphasized reason, science, and individual rights.

2. Look into the works of prominent Enlightenment thinkers who advocated for popular sovereignty, such as John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Thomas Paine. Reading excerpts from their influential writings can provide valuable insights into their ideas and arguments.

3. Examine the historical context of the American Revolution and the desire to break away from British rule. Explore concepts like the social contract, natural rights, and the right to self-governance, which were key in shaping the Founding Fathers' thinking.

4. Study key documents related to the founding of the United States, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers. These texts showcase the influence of Enlightenment ideas on the American political system.

5. Specifically, pay attention to the discussions and debates that took place during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. This is where the Founding Fathers drafted the United States Constitution, searching for a balance of power and ensuring that the government derived its authority from the people.

By delving into these historical, philosophical, and political aspects, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the Enlightenment idea of popular sovereignty influenced the inclusion of the phrase "We The People" in the United States Constitution.