Mrs. James needs 5/8 yard of ribbon for each pillow she is making. what is the total number of yards of ribbon she needs to make six pillows


so 5 x 6 is 30 and put 30 on top of 8 then simplify to get 15/4 so 3 3/4 should be the answer

To find the total number of yards of ribbon Mrs. James needs to make six pillows, we need to multiply the amount of ribbon needed for each pillow by the number of pillows.

First, let's calculate how much ribbon is needed for one pillow. Mrs. James needs 5/8 yard of ribbon for each pillow.

Next, let's multiply the number of yards needed for one pillow by the number of pillows she wants to make. We'll multiply (5/8) by 6.

To do this multiplication, we can use the following steps:
1. Convert the mixed number 5/8 into an improper fraction: (5/8) = (5 * 1) / (8) = 5/8
2. Multiply the numerator (5) by the number of pillows (6): (5/8) * 6 = (5 * 6) / 8 = 30/8
3. Simplify the fraction, if possible. In this case, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 2: 30/8 = 15/4

Now we have the answer: Mrs. James needs 15/4 yards of ribbon to make six pillows. However, if we want to express this answer in decimal form, we need to convert the fraction to a decimal:

To convert the fraction 15/4 to a decimal, divide the numerator (15) by the denominator (4): 15 รท 4 = 3.75

Therefore, Mrs. James needs a total of 15/4 yards (or 3.75 yards) of ribbon to make six pillows.