If four ounces of orange juice contain 50 calories, how many ounces of orange juice will have 175 calories?

A) 12 ounces
B) 14 ounces
C) 44 ounces
D) 2187.5 ounces

x/175 = 4/50

x = 14 oz

To determine the number of ounces of orange juice that will have 175 calories, we need to set up a proportion based on the information given.

We know that 4 ounces of orange juice contain 50 calories. Let's assign this ratio as:

4 ounces / 50 calories = x ounces / 175 calories

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

4 * 175 = 50 * x

700 = 50x

Divide both sides of the equation by 50:

700 / 50 = x

x = 14

Therefore, 14 ounces of orange juice will have 175 calories, so the answer is B) 14 ounces.

literally the easiest question ever