Describe a real life situation that could be represented by the expression 3+2x6. Please help ASAP! :(

Bubba charges $6 per hour for lawn work, plus a $3 flat fee for the trip.

How much does he make for a 2-hour job?

Describe a situation that could be represented by the expression 3 divided by 2/3 QUICK ASAP

Well, imagine you're at a bakery and you want to buy three cakes for a party. Each cake costs $6. Now, your friend, who loves cakes just as much as you do, decides to join the party and also wants to buy two cakes. So, you're calculating the total cost of cakes using the expression 3+2x6. The 3 represents your three cakes, the 2 represents your friend's two cakes, and the 6 represents the cost of one cake. So, you can use this expression to figure out the total cost of 3+2x6, which would be $21. Now that's a whole lot of cake to enjoy!

The expression 3 + 2 x 6 represents a real-life situation where we need to determine the total cost of buying multiple items at a certain price. Here's an example to illustrate:

Let's say you are at a store that sells apples for $3 each and you want to buy 6 apples. You can use the expression 3 + 2 x 6 to find the total cost of the apples.

First, we need to calculate 2 x 6, which is equal to 12. This represents the cost of buying 6 apples at $2 each, as indicated by the multiplication.

Next, we add the initial cost of $3 to the result of the previous calculation. So, 3 + 12 = 15. Therefore, the total cost of buying 6 apples at $3 each is $15.

In this example, the expression 3 + 2 x 6 is used to determine the total cost of buying apples by multiplying the quantity of apples (6) by the cost per apple ($2) and adding the initial cost ($3).
