What is the value of x in the proportion StartFraction 2 and one-fourth over x EndFraction = StartFraction 1 and one-half over 3 and three-fifths EndFraction?

2 and two-fifths
5 and two-fifths
8 and StartFraction 1 over 10 EndFraction
12 and StartFraction 3 over 20 EndFraction

Which pair of ratios can form a true proportion?

A. seven fourths, Start Fraction 21 over 12 End Fraction
B. Start Fraction 6 over 3 End Fraction, start fraction 5 over 6 end fraction
C. start fraction 7 over 10 end fraction, start fraction 6 over 7 end fraction
D. start fraction 3 over 5 end fraction, start fraction 7 over 12 end fraction

bro y geometry gotta be so hard😭

To find the value of x in the proportion, we need to solve the equation:

StartFraction 2 and one-fourth over x EndFraction = StartFraction 1 and one-half over 3 and three-fifths EndFraction

To simplify the equation, let's convert all the mixed numbers into improper fractions:

StartFraction 9/4 over x EndFraction = StartFraction 3/2 over 18/5 EndFraction

Next, we can simplify the fractions by multiplying the numerators across and the denominators across:

StartFraction (9/4) * (18/5) = (3/2) * x EndFraction

The next step is to perform the multiplications:

StartFraction 81/20 = 3x/2 EndFraction

Now, we can cross-multiply to solve for x:

(81/20) * 2 = 3x

Multiply both sides by 20/2:

81 * 10/1 = 3x

810 = 3x

Finally, divide both sides by 3 to isolate x:

810/3 = x

x = 270

Therefore, the value of x in the proportion is 270.

just type the fractions already!

(2 1/4)/x = (1 1/2)/(3 3/5)
x = 9/4 * 18/5 * 2/3 = 27/5

first of all, this doesnt seem right. so i would like it if you could just give them the answer instead of trying to let people find it out for themselves. ty!

What is the value of x in the equation Negative two-thirds x + 9 = four-thirds x minus 3?

dont understand this