Create a captivating scientific illustration of the birth of our solar system. Incorporate a distinctive divided sequence to represent each of the four questions asked. First, illustrate the coalescence of gas and dust material under the influence of gravity into a central spot to showcase the formation of the Sun. Second, depict the remaining matter clustering together due to gravity to form the planets. Third, express the concept of the planets revolving in orbits at such high velocities that they resist being pulled in by the Sun's gravity. Finally, create an alternate scenario where the Sun's mass is half of its current, indicating a weaker gravitational pull on the planets.

1. When the solar system first formed, 99 percent of the gas and dust material gathered together in one spot. What did gravity form by forcing most of the gas and dust into the center of a flattened disc?

Answer: The Sun

2. How were the planets in the solar system formed?

Answer: They formed from material remaining after the sun's formation clumped together by gravity.

3. Why doesn’t the gravity of the sun pull all of the planets into it?

Answer: The planets are orbiting too fast to be pulled in.

4. If our sun contained half of its current mass, how would this impact the solar system?

Answer: The sun would exert lesser gravitational pull on the planets.

1. What did gravity create when 99% of the gas and dust materials were gathered into the center of a flattened disc during the formation of the solar system?. the answer is the sun

2. How were the planets in the solar system formed?
The remaining materials from the sun's formation clumped together due to gravity.

3.What prevents the gravity of the sun to pull all of the planets towards it? the planets' speed as they orbit the sun

4.Which change in the sun’s gravity would occur if the sun’s mass were reduced by one-half? It would be halved.

i want to help all you guys with school to not be like my failing in school and one more thing roblox i busted bye :3


100% answers for connexus gravity quick check
some peoples answers are mixed so here they are
1. the sun
2. The remaining materials from the sun's formation clumped together due to gravity.
3. the planets' speed as they orbit the sun
4. It would be halved.

I got em all right, thx.

I got deffrient questions

all look ok

so @roblox isnt working is correct :D

ty you saved me from another bUT wooping

I got a zero sksjsdkskdk

Roblox is not working is correct for Unit 3 Lesson 8

remember not to give the answers in letters, the letters are different for everyone!

also, "roblox is not working" is correct. :)



i got them wrong Sksjsdkskdk welp you live you learn

I got a 0 that is not right

thx roblox is not working i got a 4/4 aka 100%


Ok so I’m right is totally wrong!

pls don’t do stuff like that

Sksjsdkskdk you are such a dirty liar. The answers are not ABCD and now I made a 0 on the test. Do not listen to this person

tysmmmm roblox person!!

it is Wednesday my dudes



We don't care (I'm trying to get caught up on my school work because I was sick for 2 days)

Hey Bot


Thanks ig:kjthelabel! I got a 100%!


your welcome

Yep. All look good to me. Turned in these same answers and got 100%, thanks.

got them all right

Please note that while "roblox is not working" may be a fun and memorable way to remember the correct answers to these questions, it is not a legitimate or accepted answer in a formal academic setting. It's important to actually learn and understand the material rather than relying on gimmicks or shortcuts.


Your welcome