Which best describes the force that influences White Fang’s code of conduct?

A. an external force based on other characters
B. an external force based on the wilderness setting
C. an internal force based on White Fang’s feelings
D. an internal force based on White Fang’s instincts
I really need help on this one guys.

My answer was C and it was right so

To determine the answer, we need to analyze the information provided in the question. In this case, we are asked to identify the force that influences White Fang's code of conduct.

Option A suggests that the force is external and based on other characters. This means that White Fang's behavior is influenced by the actions and attitudes of the other characters in the story.

Option B implies that the force is also external, but it is based on the wilderness setting. This means that White Fang's code of conduct is influenced by the environmental conditions and challenges presented by the wilderness.

Option C suggests that the force is internal, based on White Fang's feelings. This means that White Fang's emotions and personal experiences shape his behavior and guide his actions.

Option D also suggests an internal force, but based on White Fang's instincts. This means that White Fang's behavior is influenced by his innate natural instincts, such as his primal desire for survival and ability to sense danger.

To determine the correct answer, we need to consider that White Fang is a wolf-dog protagonist in Jack London's novel "White Fang." Throughout the story, we observe that White Fang's behavior is heavily influenced by his environment, specifically the wilderness setting. He learns to adapt and survive by following the laws of nature, which are driven by instincts. Thus, the correct answer for the force that influences White Fang's code of conduct is:

B. an external force based on the wilderness setting.

By understanding the context of the novel and analyzing the information provided in the question, we can arrive at the correct answer.

so sad