Over the summer, Roy mows lawns for his neighbors. He can mow 3 lawns in 4 hours. At what unit rate does Roy mow lawns? Enter your answer as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredths

3/4 = .75 per hour

To find the unit rate at which Roy mows lawns, we first need to determine how many lawns he mows per hour.

To find the number of lawns Roy mows per hour, we can divide the number of lawns he mows in 4 hours (which is 3) by the number of hours (which is 4).

3 lawns / 4 hours = 0.75 lawns per hour

Therefore, the unit rate at which Roy mows lawns is 0.75 lawns per hour. Rounded to the nearest hundredths, the answer is 0.75.