The American Revolution began when shots were fired at

. Soon after, the British and Americans met again at
where they learned that the war would be long and bloody. The Continental Army and
were no match against the large number of British soldiers who landed on
. Many Americans deserted after that battle. To further increase their numbers, the British hired
to help them fight. George Washington used the paid soldiers to his advantage when he attacked
on Christmas day. Victory was short-lived. Washington tried to stop the British from invading Philadelphia at
, but he was unsuccessful. His men retreated to a very harsh and deadly winter at
. The Americans needed help and asked the
for aid. But it wasn't until the sweeping American victory at
that they agreed to send supplies. The supplies helped, and the Americans were able to take back control of the south after a victory at
. The British were forced back to the north. The Americans and their ally, the French, surrounded the British at
. The fighting stopped when British General Cornwallis surrendered. The Americans rejoiced when the
officially ended the war and granted them their independence. The United States was born!

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I gather you are not from Massachusetts or Virginia or New Jersey or Pennsylvania or ...... I went to a scout jamboree at Valley Forge. It sticks in my memory. General Eisenhower spoke to us. It was before he became president.

The American Revolution began when shots were fired at a place called Lexington. Soon after, the British and Americans met again at a place called Bunker Hill where they learned that the war would be long and bloody.

To understand the outcome of the war and its major events, it's important to have a basic knowledge of historical events surrounding the American Revolution. The Continental Army, comprised mainly of American colonists, fought against the British Army as they sought independence from Britain.

The phrase "were no match against the large number of British soldiers who landed on..." is cut off, but we can assume it refers to the British soldiers' advantage in terms of numbers, training, and resources.

In order to try to counterbalance the British army's advantage in numbers, the American forces needed more soldiers. As mentioned, they turned to using paid mercenaries, known as Hessians, to fight alongside them.

The mention of George Washington attacking on Christmas day refers to the famous surprise attack he led on the British-held Trenton in 1776, known as the Battle of Trenton.

The unsuccessful attempt to stop the British from invading Philadelphia refers to the Battle of Brandywine, which took place in September 1777.

After the Battle of Brandywine, Washington's army faced a harsh and deadly winter at Valley Forge. The harsh conditions and lack of supplies made it a challenging time for the American forces.

The Americans sought help from the French during the war. However, it wasn't until the Battle of Saratoga, a sweeping American victory in 1777, that the French agreed to send significant supplies and support to aid the American cause.

The reference to the Americans taking back control of the south after a victory may be referring to the Battle of Yorktown, which took place in 1781. This battle marked a significant turning point in the war as it led to the surrender of British General Cornwallis.

Finally, the phrase "The Americans rejoiced when the officially ended the war and granted them their independence. The United States was born!" indicates that the war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783. This treaty officially recognized the United States as an independent nation, separate from British rule.