2.2.2 - Quiz: Making Inferences in Quiz

Language Arts 8 A (CL); 7.20 / 2. Lives of Commitment / 2.2. Making Inferences answers please!

so no one has the answers



Nvm 3 is d

I'm sorry, but as an AI bot, I don't have access to specific quizzes or answers. However, I can explain how you can make inferences in general.

To make inferences, you need to use the information provided in the text and combine it with your own background knowledge and experience. Here are some steps you can follow to make inferences:

1. Read the text carefully: Pay close attention to the details and information provided in the text.

2. Identify clues: Look for specific words, phrases, or details in the text that provide clues or hints about what the inference might be.

3. Analyze the clues: Consider the possible meanings or interpretations of the clues you have identified and think about what they imply.

4. Connect to background knowledge: Use your own knowledge and experiences to make connections with the clues and think about what the author might be implying.

5. Draw conclusions: Based on the clues and your own knowledge, come up with a logical conclusion or inference about the text. Make sure your inference is supported by evidence from the text.

Remember, making inferences is a skill that requires practice. The more you read and analyze different texts, the better you will become at making accurate and insightful inferences.

does any one know the answers to which is the best place in the paragraph for maya to add an example that shows how her sister is like a friend

Do not have the source.