Which of the following is NOT a purpose of maps?

to show where something is located in relation to other things

to give directions on how to get to a specific place

to advance the career of the cartographer

to display the distribution of features

C. to advance the career of the cartographer.

Because maps are primarily tools for navigation, communication, and providing information, their purpose does not include advancing the career of cartographers. While cartographers may create maps to showcase their skills and experience, the primary focus of maps is to serve the needs of others, such as travelers, researchers, or anyone seeking geographic information.

The purpose of maps can include:

A. Show where something is located in relation to other things.
B. Give directions on how to get to a specific place.
D. Display the distribution of features.

Therefore, C. To advance the career of the cartographer is NOT a purpose of maps.

The answer to this question can be found by examining the options and identifying the one that does not align with the purpose of maps.

Option A states that maps are used to show where something is located in relation to other things. This is a common purpose of maps, as they provide spatial representation and help us understand the relative positions of various objects or features.

Option B states that maps are used to give directions on how to get to a specific place. This is another common purpose of maps, as they help us navigate and find our way to desired locations.

Option C states that the purpose of maps is to advance the career of the cartographer. This option is not a purpose of maps, but rather a potential motivation or benefit for the cartographer who creates the maps. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

Option D states that maps are used to display the distribution of features. This is also a valid purpose of maps, as they can communicate information about the arrangement or frequency of specific features across an area.

Therefore, the answer to the question is: C. to advance the career of the cartographer.