can i have the answer to the science unit test

lesson 10 unit one 6 a SUB 1 Introduction to science 6

I asked you for the questions because I'm not in 6th grade. Either post the questions or do your own work.

Could you please list all the questions so we can help you?

u can do it just do what oobleck said to do

there right

so I made an 100 hear are the the answers i got for lesson8 unit 2 science cells and kingdom quiz

1 {c} vascular system
2 {d} produce new cells
3 {c} regulate transpiration of water
4{a} sugar and oxygen
5 {b}jellyfish
6{a} their bodies are divided into segments
7 {a}swim bladders
8 {d}eagle
9 {b} xylem
hope this helps good luck .peace

Get used to it. School is not really there to teach you a bunch of facts. It is there to teach you how to learn. You'll be out before you know it, and then you're on your own. If you haven't picked up how to learn stuff, you'll wind up making poor life decisions, and that will lead to poverty and despair. Unless you plan to marry a sugar daddy, you will in fact have to develop some skills, and it's surprising how much of what seems irrelevant to you as a young woman will turn out to be handy later on.

High school and even college are where you are basically forced to study stuff that seems boring, just to expose you to a variety of subjects. The chances are, you do not already know what career path you will follow. Unless you have tried various things, how will you know what is a good fit? Many college students change their majors while in school.

I have a friend who was studying botany. He loved it, but he had to get a part-time job in a garage to make money. He found that he loved to get his hands dirty and find and fix mechanical problems. He changed major to industrial tech, graduated, worked in a garage for a while, then opened his own shop. Ran it for forty years, and loved every day of it.

Yes, most of what you study will be of little use in your career, but no knowledge is wasted, especially if you plan to have children. They will ask incessant questions, and the more you know, the better for them. So tough it out for now, buckle down and learn good study habits, and then you will be ready for that opportunity that finally knocks on your door.

As an AI, I don't have access to specific test answers or lesson materials for specific courses. However, I can help guide you on how to prepare for your science unit test.

1. Review your textbook or class notes: Go through the relevant chapters or sections in your textbook or review your class notes. Make sure you comprehend the key concepts and important information.

2. Summarize the key points: Create a summary or outline of the main ideas and concepts covered in the lesson. This will help you understand and remember the information better.

3. Clarify any doubts: If you have any specific questions or areas that you don't understand, seek clarification from your teacher, classmates, or online resources. Understanding the material thoroughly is essential for doing well in the test.

4. Use additional resources: Utilize supplementary materials such as online articles, videos, or interactive websites that cover similar topics. These resources can provide alternative explanations or examples, reinforcing your understanding.

5. Practice with worksheets or sample questions: Look for practice worksheets or sample questions related to the topics covered in your lesson. Solve these questions to test your knowledge and practice applying the concepts learned.

6. Review previous homework or assignments: Look through any previous homework or assignments related to the unit. This will help you identify any weak areas or topics that require extra attention.

7. Study actively: Instead of passively reading or memorizing, engage in active learning techniques such as explaining concepts to someone else, creating flashcards, or teaching the material to yourself.

Remember, the best way to prepare for a test is to understand the material rather than seeking specific answers. If you have any further questions about specific science concepts or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

but that is soooooooooo boring



no, but you can

(a) start studying
(b) post a couple of questions that seem hard, and what you have tried so far.

"no clue" just means you haven't studied the material...