Class A has 8 pupils and class B has 13 pupils.

Both classes sit the same maths test.
The mean score for class A is 38.
The mean score for class B is 53.
What is the mean score (rounded to 2 DP) in the maths test across both classes?

Too hard

idk what that is but....

Class A has 13 pupils and class B has 12 pupils.
Both classes sit the same maths test.
The mean score for class A is 68.
The mean score for both classes is 45.
What is the mean score (rounded to 2 DP) in the maths test for class B?

= 20.08


To find the mean score across both classes, we need to calculate the total sum of scores for both classes and divide it by the total number of pupils.

1. Calculate the total sum of scores for class A:
- Number of pupils in class A: 8
- Mean score for class A: 38
- Total score for class A: number of pupils * mean score = 8 * 38 = 304

2. Calculate the total sum of scores for class B:
- Number of pupils in class B: 13
- Mean score for class B: 53
- Total score for class B: number of pupils * mean score = 13 * 53 = 689

3. Sum up the total scores for both classes: 304 + 689 = 993

4. Calculate the total number of pupils in both classes: 8 + 13 = 21

5. Finally, find the mean score across both classes by dividing the total sum of scores by the total number of pupils:
- Mean score = total sum of scores / total number of pupils = 993 / 21 = 47.2857

Rounded to 2 decimal places, the mean score in the math test across both classes is 47.29.

total score / total pupils

[(8 * 38) + (13 * 53)] / (8 + 13)