Carson needs 3 quarts of water to make fruit punch, but has only a 1-cup measuring cup. She knows there are 2 cups in 1 pint, and 2 pints in 1 quart.

3 qt * 2pt/qt * 2c/pt = 12 c

To measure 3 quarts of water using a 1-cup measuring cup, Carson can follow these steps:

1. Start by converting quarts to cups. Since there are 2 cups in 1 pint and 2 pints in 1 quart, we can multiply:
3 quarts * 2 pints/quart * 2 cups/pint = 12 cups

2. Since Carson has a 1-cup measuring cup, she would need to measure 12 cups of water.

Option 1: Carson can fill the 1-cup measuring cup 12 times with water to reach 12 cups.

Option 2: If she has a larger container, she can measure 4 cups at a time, filling the 1-cup measuring cup 4 times, and repeat this process 3 times to measure all 12 cups.

By following either option, she will end up with 3 quarts (or 12 cups) of water to make the fruit punch.

To determine how many cups of water Carson needs to make 3 quarts of fruit punch, we'll use the conversion rates provided. First, let's convert 3 quarts into cups.

Since we know that 2 pints make 1 quart, we can calculate the number of pints in 3 quarts by multiplying 3 by 2:
3 quarts * 2 pints/quart = 6 pints

Next, we'll convert the number of pints into cups. Since 2 cups make 1 pint, we can calculate the number of cups in 6 pints by multiplying 6 by 2:
6 pints * 2 cups/pint = 12 cups

Therefore, Carson needs 12 cups of water to make 3 quarts of fruit punch. Since she only has a 1-cup measuring cup, she'll need to measure the water 12 times in order to reach the 12 cups required.

Carson needs 3 quarts of water to make Fruit Punch, but only has a 1-cup measuring cup. She knows there are 2 cups and 1 pints in 1 quart. Use the drop down menus to explain how Carson can find the number of cups of water she needs to make the punch.

Staring withe the Mesurments of 2 cups for 1 pint, Carson can _________ (A. Multiply, B. Divide) to find that there are ________ (A. 1, B. 4, C. 8, D. 2) cup(s) in 1 quart. She can multiply this number by ______ (A. 1, B. 3, C. 2, D. 4) to find that she needs _______ (A. 8, B. 12, C. 16, D. 4) cups of water.