It takes a runner 2 h, 43 min, 57 s to run a marathon. If the distance of a marathon is 42.2 km, what is the average speed of the runner?

To find the average speed of the runner, you need to divide the distance run by the time taken.

First, convert the time taken to seconds.

2 hours = 2 * 60 * 60 = 7200 seconds
43 minutes = 43 * 60 = 2580 seconds

So, the total time taken in seconds = 7200 + 2580 + 57 = 9840 seconds.

Now, divide the distance run by the time taken in seconds.

Average speed = distance / time
Average speed = 42.2 km / 9840 s ≈ 0.00429 km/s

Therefore, the average speed of the runner is approximately 0.00429 km/s.

To find the average speed of the runner, we need to divide the distance of the marathon by the time it took to complete it.

First, let's convert the time taken to seconds.

2 hours = 2 * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 7200 seconds
43 minutes = 43 * 60 seconds = 2580 seconds
57 seconds = 57 seconds

Total time = 7200 seconds + 2580 seconds + 57 seconds = 9843 seconds

Now, divide the distance of the marathon (42.2 km) by the total time (9843 seconds) to find the average speed.

Average Speed = Distance / Time
Average Speed = 42.2 km / 9843 seconds

To convert km to meters, multiply by 1000.
Average Speed = 42.2 km * 1000 meters / 9843 seconds

Now we have the average speed of the runner in meters per second.

speed(km/hr) = distance(km)/time(hr)

So, (42.2km)/(2h43'57")
= 42.2/2.733 km/hr
= 15.44 km/hr