In 1519 Álvarez de Pineda was the first person to create a map of which region?


It is


The answer would be A!

Hey, by chance do you have the answers to the whole test? That would really help me out. If you don't that's completely okay tho.

the answer man! is correct

the answer man is correct thank you

answer man is correct, thank you!!!

Got me a 100 thanks :)

The answer man is 100 percent correct

To find the answer to this question, we can conduct a quick search.

One way to find the answer is to search for information about Álvarez de Pineda and his map-making activities. You can start by searching for "Álvarez de Pineda map" or "Álvarez de Pineda first map." This should give you relevant sources and articles about his work.

In the search results, look for sources that provide information on the specific region he mapped for the first time. They may mention the region or provide details about his exploration and mapping activities.

Based on my search, it appears that the correct answer to the question is A. Texas. Álvarez de Pineda is believed to have created the first map of the Texas coast and explored the Gulf of Mexico, including the region that is now Texas.

Remember, it is always a good idea to visit reliable sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy.