Read this excerpt from A Girl from Yamhill.

In the morning I descended from the bedroom by sliding down the banister railing, which curved at the end to make a flat landing place just right for my bottom. At night I climbed the long flight of stairs alone, undressed in the dark because I could not reach the light, and went to bed. I was not afraid and did not know that other children were tucked in bed and kissed good night by parents not too tired to make an extra trip up a flight of stairs after a hard day’s work.
Based on this excerpt, how does the narrator feel about her home as a child?
A. She feels it is dark and cramped.
B. She feels it is warm and cozy.
C. She feels it is safe and comfortable.#
D. She feels it is spacious and spooky.

It is c

I think its c

r u sure its C

is it She feels it is safe and comfortable, number C

To determine how the narrator feels about her home as a child, we can analyze specific details mentioned in the excerpt.

First, the narrator mentions sliding down the banister railing in the morning, which suggests a sense of enjoyment and playfulness. She also mentions a flat landing place at the end, indicating a level of comfort and familiarity.

Next, the narrator describes climbing the long flight of stairs alone at night, undressing in the dark because she couldn't reach the light. Despite this, she mentions that she was not afraid. This implies a feeling of safety and security within her home.

Lastly, the narrator contrasts her own experience with the realization that other children have parents who tuck them in bed and kiss them goodnight. This suggests that she may not have had the same level of parental involvement, perhaps due to their fatigue from work. However, there is no indication of negative feelings associated with this contrast.

Based on these details, we can conclude that the narrator feels her home is safe and comfortable, making option C - "She feels it is safe and comfortable" - the correct answer.