What is a caption?(1 point)

a main idea of the text

a line of text explaining an illustration<<<

a visual representation

a variety of media used to communicate an idea

This guy big brain also here are all answers.

1. to clarify certain kinds of information for ease of understanding
2. a line of text explaining an illustration
3. a timeline describing events in chronological order
4. a podcast included as part of an online news column
5. a bar chart displaying anticipated weekly snowfall amounts

To find the answer to this question, you can start by breaking down the options provided. Each option describes a possible definition of a caption, and your task is to identify the correct one.

Option 1 suggests that a caption is the main idea of the text. This definition is incorrect because the main idea of the text is typically conveyed through the article or body of the text, not through a caption.

Option 2 states that a caption is a line of text explaining an illustration. This is the correct definition of a caption. Captions are usually short descriptions or explanations that accompany visuals such as illustrations, photographs, or diagrams.

Option 3 suggests that a caption is a visual representation itself. While captions can accompany visual representations, they are not visual representations in themselves.

Option 4 defines a variety of media used to communicate an idea and is unrelated to the definition of a caption.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is option 2: a line of text explaining an illustration.