Antonio jogs 2 laps every 5 minutes. Which point represents this relationship?

On a coordinate plane, a graph titled Antonio's Lap Times has Number of laps on the x-axis and Number of minutes on the y-axis. Point A is (1, 10), point B is (2, 5), point C is (5, 2), and point D is (10, 1).

B is correct

(2,5) represents 2 laps in 5 minutes

On edgenuity on the graph it would be plot B but I don't know what it would be on edge.

The point that represents the relationship of Antonio jogging 2 laps every 5 minutes is point B, which is (2, 5) on the coordinate plane.

To explain why, we can look at the x-axis, which represents the number of laps, and the y-axis, which represents the number of minutes.

In this case, for every 2 laps (x-axis) Antonio jogs, it takes him 5 minutes (y-axis). Point B specifically shows this relationship, with 2 laps on the x-axis and 5 minutes on the y-axis. Hence, point B represents the relationship of Antonio jogging 2 laps every 5 minutes.