Answers for expectations unit review practice 1.9.1

1. Brainstorming involves?


PsyDAG unuseful piece of crap

Google "brainstorming" and read carefully.

A. generating ideas about a topic


To answer the question about what brainstorming involves, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the material: Go back to your study materials, textbook, or class notes to refresh your memory about brainstorming.

2. Understand the concept: Brainstorming is a technique used to generate ideas or solutions to a problem. It involves a group of people coming together to freely share their thoughts and suggestions without any judgment or criticism.

3. Analyze examples: Look for examples of brainstorming sessions to see how they are conducted. This can help you understand the process and what is expected during a brainstorming session.

4. Remember key points: Make a mental note of the key aspects of brainstorming, such as encouraging all participants to contribute ideas, promoting a non-judgmental and open-minded environment, and allowing for diverse and creative thinking.

Now that we have gone through the steps to understand brainstorming, we can provide an answer to the question. Brainstorming involves a group of individuals collectively generating ideas in an open and non-judgmental setting to solve a problem or come up with new concepts.