A team of runners is needed to run 1/4 a mile relay race.if each runner must run 1/16 mile how many runners will be needed

At two person relay race is 1/16 mile long if each person runs the same length how far will each person run

I need the answer

To determine the number of runners needed for a 1/4 mile relay race, we need to divide the total distance by the distance each runner can cover. In this case, each runner can run 1/16 mile.

So, to find the number of runners needed, we divide 1/4 mile by 1/16 mile:

(1/4 mile) ÷ (1/16 mile)

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(1/4 mile) × (16/1 mile)

Cross-canceling, we get:

(1 × 16) / (4 × 1) = 16/4 = 4

Therefore, four runners will be needed for the 1/4 mile relay race.

1/4 ÷ 1/16 = 1/4 * 16/1 = 4

after all, 1/4 = 4/16, so it will take 4 runners to do the job