Explain two factors why it is important for youth to investigate and be knowledgeable about it

*It is important for the youth to investigate about risky behaviour so that they can prevent themselves from being exposed to the negative impacts of risky behaviours

*It is also important so that they can be able to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle

Factor 1: Personal Development

One important factor as to why it is important for youth to investigate and be knowledgeable about various subjects is personal development. When young individuals take the initiative to explore different topics, they not only increase their knowledge and understanding but also develop critical thinking skills. Investigating and seeking knowledge helps young people think analytically, evaluate information, and form their own opinions. This fosters independence, creativity, and the ability to make informed decisions, which are crucial for personal growth and success in various aspects of life.

Factor 2: Empowerment and Active Citizenship
Another factor is empowerment and active citizenship. By investigating and acquiring knowledge, youth become aware of social, political, and environmental issues affecting the world. Being informed empowers young individuals to engage in discussions, advocate for causes they believe in, and participate in their communities. When youth possess adequate knowledge, they can confidently voice their opinions, express concerns, and actively contribute to solving problems. This promotes social responsibility, fosters a sense of ownership, and helps shape a better future for themselves and others. Informed and engaged youth become an essential part of building a just and sustainable society.

It is important for youth to investigate and be knowledgeable about a topic for several reasons. Here are two factors that highlight the importance of such actions:

1. Empowerment and Critical Thinking: By investigating and gaining knowledge about a topic, young people become empowered to make informed decisions and form their own opinions. They develop critical thinking skills, enabling them to analyze different perspectives, evaluate evidence, and question assumptions. This allows them to navigate complex issues with confidence and independence, rather than simply accepting information presented without scrutiny. By engaging in investigation and acquiring knowledge, youth can actively participate in discussions and decision-making processes that impact their lives.

To investigate a topic, youth can:

- Read books, articles, and reputable online sources about the subject.
- Attend workshops, seminars, or conferences related to the topic.
- Seek guidance from experts, mentors, or teachers who specialize in the area.
- Engage in discussions or debates with peers who have different perspectives.

2. Social Awareness and Engaged Citizenship: Investigating and being knowledgeable about different topics, such as social issues and current events, fuels youth's social awareness and encourages engaged citizenship. It allows them to understand the world around them and be aware of the challenges and opportunities it presents. By staying informed, youth can identify injustices, contribute to positive change, and advocate for causes they believe in. They can also effectively participate in community initiatives, volunteer work, and social activism.

To be knowledgeable about a topic, youth can:

- Stay updated on current events through news platforms, both mainstream and alternative.
- Follow organizations, experts, and influencers on social media who provide reliable information about the topic.
- Engage in conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds to gain different perspectives.
- Join relevant clubs or organizations at school or in the community.
- Participate in local events, workshops, or initiatives related to the topic.

Overall, investigating and being knowledgeable about various subjects empowers youth, develops critical thinking skills, enhances social awareness, and encourages active participation in society.