What is passive voice in a sentence?(1 point)

The subject performs the action stated by the verb.
The sentence uses past tense verbs.
The subject is acted upon by the verb.****
The sentence uses present tense verbs.

8th grade!!

1. active and passive (IN THAT ORDER)

2. passive and active

3.when the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown

4.Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach.

5.Revise it so the person or thing doing the action (the Bluejays) comes before the verb (was won)

this is for the 8th graders of 2021!

hhh seems like most of the people on this site are from connexus

cause this is for connexus

damon from connexus

Im also in connexus

what grade


kawaii is right for me thank youu

just answer it

kawaii is correct!! thank you <33

bet sayless

kawaii was correct for 8th grade connexus "Using Passive and Active Voice"

Kawaii is still right!!!!!!!

We all get it, some of the questions were wrong for you, doesn't mean that Kawaii was wrong because I had taken the test days ago and they were right.

BTW I'm also in 8th grade!
What school do y'all go to?
I go to Chaffin but I'm doing virtual.

tank u!!

kawaii is right and billie jean is not my lover

I go to connexus :(

thx kawaii tyvm

she is right

or he

Nice kawaii

1. active and passive (IN THAT ORDER)

2. passive and active
3.when the person or thing performing the action is unimportant or unknown
4.Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach.
5.Revise it so the person or thing doing the action (the Bluejays) comes before the verb (was won)
100% credit goes to Kawaii

for me two was wrong it was passive then active but still helpful

kawaii is wrong!!!!