Name all the sets to which the number belongs


well, your choices are

natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rationals, irrationals, reals


To determine the sets to which the number 1.125 belongs, we need to consider different categories of numbers. Here are a few sets that number 1.125 belongs to:

1. Whole Numbers: Whole numbers are positive integers including zero. Since 1.125 is not an integer, it is not a member of this set.

2. Natural Numbers: Natural numbers are positive integers excluding zero. 1.125 does not belong to this set.

3. Rational Numbers: Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as fractions where the numerator and denominator are both integers. Since 1.125 can be written as the fraction 9/8, it is a rational number.

4. Real Numbers: Real numbers include all rational numbers (fractions) and irrational numbers (numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions). Since 1.125 is a rational number, it is also a real number.

5. Irrational Numbers: Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as fractions. Since 1.125 can be expressed as the fraction 9/8, it is not an irrational number.

6. Decimal Numbers: Decimal numbers are numbers that have decimal fractions. Since 1.125 has a decimal fraction, it is a decimal number.

7. Positive Numbers: Positive numbers are greater than zero. Since 1.125 is greater than zero, it is a positive number.

So, the sets to which the number 1.125 belongs are: Rational Numbers, Real Numbers, Decimal Numbers, and Positive Numbers.

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